onsdag den 3. april 2013

A look inside my wardrobe

Jeg tænkte at det var på tide med et anderledes indlæg, så her for noget tid siden lånte jeg min fars kamera og gik amok. Her er nogle af mine favoritter i mit skab, både noget nyt og gammelt (: 
Der kommer nogle flere indlæg over tiden, med forskellige ting fra min garderobe.

I thought it was time for some a different post, so for some time ago I borrowed my dad's camera and did some shoots. Here is some of my favorite things in my wardrobe at the time, both new and old (:
There will be more of this kind over the time. 


From Topshop

My tiger dress is my best buy for the summer, it's really great
From Vila

From H&M

I could never live without this wonder-ful cardigan 
From Pieces

From Weekday

This shirt is one of my new favorite things and it's a nice windy
From Vero Moda

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