Her er et lille uddrag af min liste, denne del tager udgangspunkt i de syv vidundere:
Today the sun is truly shining and we can feel the warm. As mentioned earlier, Camilla and I both is tired of snow and cold. But when we got outside today we talked about how great it is to finally feel spring is here and summer is coming! We have several times talked about all the places we want to go and the things we want to do, such as road trip in the U.S. or that we talked about today to take a road trip through Europe, see Versailles and Paris. There are so many things that we would like to experience, this summer we went to the island where Mamma Mia was recorded which was an amazing experience that none of us would be without. I myself was on a study trip to China where I saw things like the Forbidden City and went on The Wall of China! We all have some different dreams, I have started making a (looong) list of the things I would like to see and the things I want to do.
Here is a small extract of my list, this part is based on the Seven Wonders:
De syv verdens vidunder
- Den Kinetiske mur (The Great Wall of China) √
- Taj Mahal
- Colosseum
- Machu Picchu
- Chichen Itza
- Kristus statuen (Cristo Redentor)
- Oldtidsbyen Petra i Jordan (Ancient city of Petra in Jordan)
Antikkens syv vidunder:
- Pyramiderne i Giza (The Pyramids of Giza)
- Babylons hængende haver (Hanging Gardens of Babylon)
- Zeusstatuen i Olympia (The Statue of Zeus at Olympia)
- Artemis templet i Efesos (Artemis temple in Ephesus)
- Mausoleet i Halikarnassos (Mausoleet in Halikarnassos)
- Kolossen på Rhodos (Kolossen of Rhodos)
- Fyrtårnet i Alexandria (Lighthouse of Alexandria)
På nettet er der også mange ideér til hvad du kan skrive på din liste, fx her på:
On the Internet there are many ideas for what you can write on your list, for example on:
Places to see or things to do before you die
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