mandag den 8. april 2013

Topshop Summer Outfit - 'Twist and shout'

Denne uges udgave af Topshop Summer Outfits er det sidste, men da de har været en succes, kommer der på et tidspunkt en serie nye outfits i et nyt tema. Denne uges outfit har sin inspiration i det mere praktiske og frigørende stil. Dette outfit elsker jeg fordi at cowboy shorts altid er et hit! Disse er forholdvist lyse og så har de en fed form. Sammen med blonde trøjen og den røde læbestift, bliver det mere feminint. Ved at sætte det mønstrede sko og den grønne taske til får det et lille twist til, som er skønt.  

This week's edition of Topshop Summer Outfits is the last, but since they have been successful, there will be at some point a series of new outfits in a new theme. This week's outfit has its inspiration in a more practical and liberating style. This outfit I love because that cowboy shorts are always a hit! These are relatively light and they have a great shape. Together with blonde shirt and the red lipstick, it becomes more feminine. By putting the patterned shoes and the green bag to get it a little twist to that is great.

Follow your heart but remember your brain.

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