Karl Lagerfeld som designer for Chanel, er utroligt kreativ. Han udgav sidste år bogen The little black jacket, som er en super skøn idé! Men som vi tidligere har vist her på bloggen, har han også et talent inden for film. Han laver nogle fantastiske sort/hvid film, som viser Chanel's kollektioner. Denne gang er en af der store stjerne Keira Knightley, hun er gude smuk som altid. Her er traileren for filmen, som bliver offentligt gjort den 8 maj 2013! (:
Karl Lagerfeld, who designs for Chanel, is incredibly creative. Last year, he published the book The little black jacket, which is a super great idea! But as we have shown here on the blog, he also has a talent in film. He makes some amazing black / white film, which shows Chanel's collections. This time is one of the big star Keira Knightley, she's god beautiful as always. Here is the trailer for the film, which will be publicly made May 8, 2013! (:
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